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What clients say about Prodrill:

Prodrill is a very professional company who look after their personnel

Well Services Contact

If I am looking for staff, Prodrill is always my first port of call

Drilling Manager Client Contact

We have recruited multiple engineers through Prodrill for over 7 years now and every single time the quality of the individual has been outstanding. When you are running a multi-million-dollar project, you need the best people to deliver this on time, safely and within the budget allocated, the people from Prodrill really make a difference and investing in them early into the project is vital. Prodrill really understand our values and culture and have been successful in matching people who fit into the team. We shall continue to use them every time we need people

Drilling Engineering Team Leader

Prodrill understand my technical requirements time after time, they always know what I am looking for

Drilling Superintendent Client Contact

What contractors say about Prodrill:

Having worked in the oil and gas industry for 11 years as a staff employee, I moved to Prodrill 2 years ago. From the first day I was made to feel very welcome. I have been delighted with the service that I have received since then. Invoicing is a simple process and I have always been paid on time. I would have no hesitation in recommending Prodrill to anyone thinking of moving to a consultancy position

Well Integrity Engineer

Prodrill have been outstanding to consult through and have as my agent. They are very friendly, communication is excellent. I would recommend anyone considering a change of agent to contact Prodrill

Senior Drilling Engineer

Good communication at all times and listen if you have a problem and are keen to help in any way

Well Service Supervisor